How is the Global Score calculated?

Body Interact scores your performance from 0-100%, according to 3 main activities:

  • 20% weight for Physical Examination (ABCDE)
  • 40% weight for Diagnostic Activity (Dialogues and Exams)
  • 40% weight for Treatment (Medications, Interventions, and Calls)

Each activity performed during a simulation may either be considered a 1st priority, 2nd priority, or Non-priority action to the scenario resolution. All of this is according to the patient’s state on admission and in accordance with international well-established guidelines. 

Only 1st priority actions are point-scoring. While the performance of 2nd priority actions is neither point-scoring nor penalizing.

How are activity-specific penalties applied?

In the Emergency Room, on the street, ambulance, or at home for each incorrect decision you made a penalty will be applied to the Global Score.

In turn, when practicing in the Consultation room you are presented with several visits and a range of positive or negative events in between. In each visit, for each incorrect decision you made, a penalty will be applied to each Visit Score.

Activity-specific penalties:

Physical Examination

  • 1% penalty for each Non-priority action in ABCDE

Diagnostic Activity:

  • 1% penalty for each Non-priority Dialogue
  • 2% penalty for each Non-priority Medical Test


  • 2% penalty for each Non-priority Call
  • 3% penalty for each Non-priority Intervention
  • 5% penalty for each Non-priority Medication
  • 5% penalty for each Non-priority Pharmacological Prescription
  • 5% penalty for each Non-priority Non-Pharmacological Prescription

How are general penalties applied?

Once you complete the clinical scenario, all the visits, or make any critical mistake that would end the scenario before time, general penalties can be applied.

General penalties:

  • – 30% penalty for performing a Critical Mistake*
  • – 30% penalty for an incorrect answer to the Summative Assessment question
  • – 30% penalty for not preventing the patient from entering a Cardiac Arrest
  • – 20% Penalty for not being able to resolve the case in due time

In the Emergency Room, on the street, ambulance, or at home, each general penalties will be applied to the Global Score.

In turn, when practicing in the Consultation room, general penalties will be equally reduced on each visit Score.
Example: If you answer incorrectly to the Summative Assessment question after a scenario with 3 visits, the 30% will be divided through the 3 visits. This means, on each Visit score you will be penalized by 10%.
In case your scenario only had 2 visits, you would suffer a 15% penalty on each visit score.

*A critical mistake brings the simulation to an end and the simulation is considered to be unsuccessful. This happens, for instance, when a decision puts the patient at risk or when what is considered to be a major error has been committed.