How to install Body Interact on my Windows device?

In order to have access to Body Interact on windows devices you need to download it and get your serial number inside the BI Studio.
  1. Enter into BI Studio with the same credentials as in the Body Interact
  2. Go to the “Download Center”
  3. Now you can follow the steps presented below

Step 1:
Inside the BI Studio in the “Download Center”

  • Press “Download”
  • Extract the downloaded zip file into a folder
  • Open the file “BodyInteract_setup.exe”

Step 2:
At this stage, you’ll be prompted to insert the serial number

  • On BI Studio press “Get Serial Number” (keep in mind that you’re only allowed to request 3 different serial numbers)
  • Insert the number on the box that appeared (Serial number validation)

Step 3:

  • After copying the serial number press “Next”
  • On the next page select “I accept the agreement” so you are able to continue the installation
  • Type the password (2020NewUI) when asked and keep clicking on “Next”
  • Insert your user information (user name and organization)
  • Select “Create a desktop shortcut” if you would like to have the Body Interact shortcut on your desktop
  • Press “Install” to finish the process

Step 4:

  • Body Interact will be installed and it will display a window. Please click “Finish” to conclude the installation
  • After this, you are ready to use Body Interact on your Windows device
  • Use your login credentials to start practicing
  • In order to enter in Full Screen – please press the keys ALT+Enter (at the same time)